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Troy Manering

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Soziale Medien mit Troy Manering


Troy Manering
81825 Munich, Germany
Executive Producer
Member of the DJFV - Deutscher Fachjournalisten-Verband since 2005 (Press accreditation) IMBA - International Mountain Bicycling Association since 2005 (Trail Builder status)
 Langara College - Vancouver (Recreation Facilities Management and Operation, Diploma in Recreation Facilities Management)
English (First language), German (Good knowledge)
  (Executive Producer), Eurosport,  (English Voice Over Talent), Sony Ericsson Fanwalk,  (Brand Motivator / Co-Host), Rebel Media GmbH.,  (Senior Producer/Journalist), Wicked Wheels,  (Producer / Host), BMC - Boardercross marketing and Consulting GmbH (Producer/Journalist), Electra Limousine Service (Owner/Partner), Zero Gr...
Ich suche:
I'm looking for opportunities to apply my skills and creativity in various productions: voice over, television, web, video, audio, live event announcing & organization.
Ich biete:
Native speaker - English (Canadian) for voice over, moderation, live announcing and scripting. Text translation - German / English English / German. Journalist in the branches extreme and motor sport, eg. Mountain bike, BMX, freestyle motocross (FMX), & closed course racing, eg. Bikercross, boardercross, skiercross and motocross. On-line editing Final Cut Pro. Edit suite rental. Camera operato...
Besides my family, I like Networking, Movies, DVD's, Music, Traveling and the Outdoors. I love playing Ice Hockey and riding my bikes (DH, Dirt jump, Street, Cross country, cruising, cyclocross). I'm a trained bike mechanic and I like to tinker with my bikes. I also love gadgets, (iPhone and all things Apple).