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4; Dahl, Soren ; 000000; M; 1993; ; AGF ... 22; Kohnert, Lisa ; 167249; W; 1995; ; SSV ...
Faris Al-Sultan won the inaugural Ironman Regensburg, and Sonja Tajsich took the women's victory. For more, visit
Fähnrich Tess Allenby (Mary Kohnert): Guinan (Whoopi Goldberg): Regina Lemnitz ... Soren (Melinda Culea): Anita Lochner Krite (Callan White) Noor (Megan Cole):
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17. Jungfrau-Marathon 2009, Interlaken - Overall Männer aktueller Stand vom 12.05.2009 Name Jg Wohnort Kategorie ...
Kim Braden (Janet Brooks), Mary Kohnert (Fähnrich Tess Allenby) Rosalind Chao (Keiko ... Melinda Cullen (Soren), Callan White (Krite), Megan Cole (Noor) Kelsey Grammer ...
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4; Dahl, Soren ; 000000; M; 1993; ; AGF ... 22; Kohnert, Lisa ; 167249; W; 1995; ; SSV ...
Begriffe zu Sören Kohnert: Ottendorf-Okrilla, Wiedenbrück, 2009, Erfolgs- Schmiede, Überraschend Dritter, Daniel, Germany, Verein, SR, Freestyle, TEVA, Tore.