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Sandro Gianella

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Soziale Medien mit Sandro Gianella


Sandro Gianella
10117 Berlin, Germany
Neue Europäische Bewegung Schweiz, G8 Research Group, DGAP
 Hertie School of Governance Berlin (Public Policy, Master of Public Policy), University of Toronto (International Relations and Political Science, Hon. Bachelor of Arts)
Recent graduate/Student
English (Fluent), German (First language), French (Basic knowledge)
 Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung,  (Intern at the International Politics Desk), Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales,  (Advisor for National Action Plan on the rights of persons with disabilities), Mentorable,  (Communications), G8 Research Group,  (Lead Analyst), School of Continuing Studies at the University of Toronto,  (Program Administrator, Stude...
Ich suche:
Interesting Research proposals on global governance, transatlantic relations, European Enlargement, Kosovo, Canadian Politics, U.S. foreign relations, Internship Opportunities in the field of foreign affairs
Ich biete:
Knowledge and research background in international relations, global governance, G8, G20, Global Economic Governance, Balkans, European Union, Canadian Politics, Swiss Politics, German Politics, U.S. Foreign Affairs
Mentoring, Value-Based Matching, Reiss Profile, International Relations, Global Governance, G8, Balkans, Kosovo, Transatlantic Relations, American Foreign Policy, Canadian Politics, G20
Über mich:
Curriculum Vitae  Sandro GianellaCzeminskistrasse 7, 10829 Berlin, GermanyTelephone: 0049-171-9590 946 E-mail: [email protected]  Education 2009-2011 Master Candidate in Public Policy at the Hertie School of Governance in Berlin, Germany 2005-2009 Hon. Bachelor in International Relations and Political Science at the Uni...