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Rowan Mcmurray

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Soziale Medien mit Rowan Mcmurray


Rowan McMurray
67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany
International Construction Manager
APESMA, Engineers Australia
 Murdoch University (Renewable Energy, M.Sc.), Australian National University ()
Seeking employment
English (First language), French (Basic knowledge), German (Basic knowledge), Indonesian
  (International Construction Manager), RMD Engineering (Engineer), Windlab Systems (Wind Engineer), Energy Australia (Engineer), ADC (Production Engineer)
Ich suche:
Looking for contacts in the renewable energy industry and interesting people to talk to. Also looking for work in the renewable energy industry with a quality company doing quality work, ideally based in or near Germany.
Ich biete:
Great skills as an engineer/project manager, experience, academic qualifications, creativity and a good attitude
Renewable Energy, excellence in engineering, outdoor activities, cycling
Über mich:
I am a renewable energy engineer who has recently moved to Kaiserslautern in Germany. I came here following my partner, which means I left a good job. At the moment it seems that there are jobs around in Germany, but I am really looking for a good job, working with competent people in a positive atmosphere. If you have one, I would love to hear about it! I am an engineer with a keen interes...