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Niall Starling

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Soziale Medien mit Niall Starling


Niall Starling
10405 Berlin, Germany
Architect [Berlin/AKB] [UK/arb]
 Victoria University of Wellington (Architecture, BArch (Hons) BBSc)
Seeking employment
English (First language), German (Good knowledge)
  (Architect), Hong Architekten,  (Architect), Foster and Partners,  (Associate), Thomas de Cruz Architect,  (Project Architect), HOK,  (Project Architect), Private/Contracting Architectural work (Project Architect), Bevin + Slessor Architects,  (Project Architect), Inscape Design (Architecture Graduate), Peddle T...
Ich suche:
Creative, intelligent design
Ich biete:
Architect, 14 years experience in housing, commercial, urban regeneration, high profile international designs, possessing an understanding of the various components needed to create architecture, with the ability to think and act on own decisions, proficient Mac and PC user, experienced in many 2D and 3D drafting/rendering tools
I enjoy travelling to and viewing a variety of places and areas where I like to photograph their buildings, landscapes, and people.
Über mich:
Having read architecture at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand (graduating with Honours in 1995), I worked for a Bevin Architects as a project architect designing well-crafted houses. In 1999 I moved to London to join HOK International to run commercial and urban regeneration schemes, followed by Thomas de Cruz Architects on projects again at a domestic scale. Since 2006 I have worke...