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Michael Waltinger

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Soziale Medien mit Michael Waltinger


Michael Waltinger
70199 Stuttgart, Germany
Mediaeconomy juniors (Medienökonomie juniors), Network of intercultural and international communication (Netzwerk Interkulturelle und Internationale Kommunikation), eFellows, HdM Alumni
 Stuttgart Media University (Media Economics (M.A.), Master of Arts), Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) / Stockholm School of Entrepreneurship (Media Management, Master of Science), Stuttgart Media University (Media Economics, Master of Arts), Stuttgart Media University (Media Economics, Bachelor of Arts), Economical College (Economics, Business ...
Recent graduate/Student
German (First language), English (Fluent), French (Basic knowledge), Swedish (Basic knowledge)
 Criminological Research Institute of Lower Saxony, Germany,  (Contract Researcher), Stuttgart Media University,  (Graduate Student Research Assistant), Stuttgarter Zeitung,  (Online Editorial Department), Reinecon IT-Consultancy (Freelance Business Case Author), Stockholm School of Entrepreneurship,  (Student Project Collaborator), TMC Entert...
Ich suche:
Projectwork or internship in Stockholm starting from November 2010.
Ich biete:
internationally and interculturally minded, comprehensive practical and academical experience, flexibility, ability to "think outside the box", high motivation for new challenges, wide variety of interests, team-player abilities, structured thinking and working, learning aptitude, proactiveness, good communication skills
Sustainable Leadership & Corporate Social Governance, Business Ethics, (Market-) Research, Ethnic Marketing, Ethnoconsumerism, Foreign Cultures, Africa, India, Music, Literature, Family and Friends, Basketball, Travelling, Cooking, Yoga, Global Media Communication, Transcultural Communication, Media-Economics, Mobile Media, Marketing, Consumer Behaviour, Behavioural Economics, Social & Ent...