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Alberto Gandini

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Soziale Medien mit Alberto Gandini


Alberto Gandini
33442 Herzebrock-Clarholz, Germany
Area Sales Manager / South Europe & South America
 University "La Sapienza" in Rome, Italy, "Economia e Commercio"(Studium BWL/VWL) ()
German (Fluent), English (Fluent), Italian (First language), Spanish (Basic knowledge)
  (Area Sales Manager / South Europe & South America), Mustek Optic- Computer & Communication International GmbH,  (Regional Sales Manager / South Europe), Mustek Optic- Computer & Communication International GmbH,  (International Sales), FLOS GmbH,  (Marketing), Esercito Italiano - Brigata Alpina Julia / Alpenjäger (Sottotenente /Leute...
Ich suche:
New contacts in DIY (Do It Yourself) area in South Europe and South America, specially professionals working in DIY area in Italy. Contacts in general, of people willing to exchange their experiences, to learn from each other.
Ich biete:
Contacts and experience in South Europe for IT, Consumer Electronics and DIY area. Fun at working as Country Manager, with all challanges and chances related. Knowledge of different languages. Capability to understand different cultures. Open mind.
Sports (Bicycle, Jogging, Climbing Mountains), Visiting and discovering places (inside "my" countries Italy and Germany, as well as all over the World), my football club AC Torino, and of course... XING!