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Liu, Xuejun; Park, Albert; Zhao, Yaohui: Explaining rising returns to education in urban China in the 1990s. Bonn 2010 (online; Monographie; Graue Literatur)
Liu, Xuejun; Park, Albert; Zhao, Yaohui: Explaining rising returns to education in urban China in the 1990s. Bonn 2010 (online; Monographie; Graue Literatur)
Fotos zum Namen Nicole Peng findet 123people mit Hilfe von anderen Suchmaschinen. ... Albert Zhao Profil zeigen
Liu, Xuejun; Park, Albert; Zhao, Yaohui: Explaining rising returns to education in urban China in the 1990s. Bonn 2010 (online; Monographie; Graue Literatur ...
Freunde: Marcello Garbarino, Sarah Kate, Erkang Bai, Kota Miyake, Albert Zhao, Allan LiuAlbert Zhao · Isabel Santiller Gaete · Isabel Santiller Gaete · Allan Liu · Alejandra Veronica Guacaran Zambrano · Alejandra Veronica Guacaran Zambrano ...
von X Liu -
Blade of the Rose - Die Chroniken von Huadu - Chan, Kin Chung; Lam, Suet; Szeto, Roy; Tsi, Peter; Tsui, Michelle; Lee, Albert; Zhao, Jian Guo; Choi, ...
... Roy; Tsi, Peter; Tsui, Michelle; Zhonglei, Wang; Chan, Willie; Chan ...
2010, Explaining rising returns to education in urban China in the 1990s, Liu, Xuejun / Park, Albert / Zhao, Yaohui. 2009, Explaining shifts in the ...
2010, Explaining rising returns to education in urban China in the 1990s ...
Authors: Liu, Xuejun; Park, Albert; Zhao, Yaohui. Title: Explaining rising returns to education in urban China in the 1990s. Source: Bonn: IZA (2010), 40 S . ...
Autoren: Liu, Xuejun; Park, Albert; Zhao, Yaohui. Titel: Explaining rising ...