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Timon Orlob

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Soziale Medien mit Timon Orlob


Timon Orlob
30173 Hannover, Germany
 Cranfield University (Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Master of Science), PFH Göttingen (General Management, Bachelor of Science)
Recent graduate/Student
German (First language), English (Fluent), Spanish (Basic knowledge), French (Basic knowledge)
 Bosch GmbH (Mitarbeiter (Logistik/ BPS)), Bosch GmbH (Mitarbeiter (Logistik/ BPS)), Nowatzki Logistics GmbH (Mitarbeiter (Logistik)), Nass Magnet GmbH (Mitarbeiter (Logistik)), W!ssenswerft GmbH (Mitarbeiter (Produktmanagement))
Ich suche:
I am looking for an opportunity to write my company based final paper in an English speaking country. Topic will be defined together, preferable in the field of Lean Production/ Lean Logistics/ Supply Chain Management. As you can see a wide range, so I am open minded. - Sectors: Consulting, Retail, (Automotive) Industry - Duration: Terms 3 & 4 of my program (April – September) - Institution: ...
Ich biete:
Stressresistenz / Dynamik / Freude an herausfordernden Aufgaben / Mehr als Floskeln
Filme, Mountainbike, Fussball