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Robert Tillner

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Soziale Medien mit Robert Tillner


Robert Tillner
Berlin, Germany
Public Room Manager / Asst.Maitre d´Hotel at 5-star-plus cruiseship "m/v Europa"
PADI (Professional Association of Diving Instructors), Deutsche Sommelier Union, PRO-NRC, IANTD
 Instituto Cervantes Berlin (Spanish, Entry Level A)
Seeking employment
German (First language), English (Fluent), Spanish (Basic knowledge)
  (Public Room Manager / Asst.Maitre d´Hotel at 5-star-plus cruiseship "m/v Europa"), HLK,  (Dive Pro / Lecturer at 5-stars expedition cruise ship “m/v Hanseatic”), EURO-DIVERS WORLDWIDE,  (PADI DIVE INSTRUCTOR (Master Scuba Diver Trainer)), CSM (Public Room Manager / Sommelier at 5-Star-plus Cruise ship "m/v Europa"), CSM (Bartender, später Barche...
Ich suche:
looking for a new position at the F&B Administration (worldwide), keep in touch with collegues & friends, look for new challenges in business (Hospitality, F&B, Diving) and private as well
Ich biete:
Hospitality Knowledge, Wine and Cigar Knowledge, Cruising, Scuba Diving Instructions, Diving Specialties:Aware Reef Conservation, Deep, DUP, DVP (U/W Scooter), EAN (Nitrox), EFR, Equipment Specialist, Multilevel-Computer, Manta Awareness Diver, PPB, Project Aware, U/W Naturalist, U/W Navigation, Wreck, SUBMATIX Rebreather Diver (CCR & SCR), Gas Blender
Wine, Cruising, Scuba Diving, Music, good Food, Quality of life