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Raphael Jauvin

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Soziale Medien mit Raphael Jauvin


Raphael Jauvin
82024 Munich, Germany
Senior Pre Sales & Product Manager
 Montreal University (Chemistry & Business Marketing)
English (Fluent), German (Basic knowledge), French (First language), Spanish (Fluent)
 VeriSign,  (Mobile Business Solutions Manager), France Telecom R&D (Mobility & Security Manager at France Telecom R&D), Total RM (Mobility & Security Project Manager)
Ich suche:
Contacts, Professional Relationship opportunities, having fun in what I am doing, be challenged, Job opportunity
Ich biete:
International Experience in Wireless, ID & Security industry market, Winning attitude, result oriented, a lot of get up and go, confidence, team spirit, contacts, Government, Carrier & Enterprise Mobility solution RFID, international business development, PKI, Biometric, ICAO 9303, ISO subject matter, eID, ePassport and Smart Card end-to- end personalization know how, Enrollment and Border...
Reading, good food and wine, traveling, trekking, Jazz, meeting challenging people, enjoy good companies, leading technologies, hockey
Über mich:
Summary: Raphael Jauvin has nine years of international experience in the Wireless, ID and Security industry. Prior to joining SAFE ID, he worked on several international projects related to Wireless & Security offerings development & launch strategy. Mr. Jauvin also has worked at VeriSign RFID-PKI applications definition & implementation for industry verticals. Mr. Jauvin hav...