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This is the website of Ralf Tekaat, who sometimes wants to be a superhero, sometimes he is Thomas Pynchon or he tries to become a famous football player, but at least he is a ...
Ralf Tekaat (* 1970 in Bobingen) ist ein zeitgenössischer deutscher Künstler.
Magnet | 2001 | Bleistift auf Papier | 157 x 130 cm pencil on paper | 61,8 x 52 inch
I am dreamin of a brown jagerzaun | 2006 | Bleisift, Farbstift, Computerprint, Klebeband auf Papier | 30 x 42 cm
This is the website of Ralf Tekaat, who sometimes wants to be a superhero, sometimes he is Thomas Pynchon or he tries to become a famous football player, but at least he is a ...
This is the website of Ralf Tekaat, who sometimes wants to be a superhero, sometimes he is Thomas Pynchon or he tries to become a famous football player, but at least he ...
Ralf Tekaat Kuenstler Ausstellungen in Galerien und Museen in Deutschland
This is the website of Bauer / Tekaat ... Arbeiten Texte vita Impressum Norbert Bauer Ralf Tekaat