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Ralf Fritzinger

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Soziale Medien mit Ralf Fritzinger


Ralf Fritzinger
67659 Kaiserslautern, Germany
Zertifizierter spirituell/psychologischer Berater, Seelsorger und Heiler
 Irdische Schule mehrere Leben (), I AM University ()
German (First language), English (Good knowledge), French (Basic knowledge), Dutch
  (Zertifizierter spirituell/psychologischer Berater, Seelsorger und Heiler)
Ich suche:
ENGLISH:After endless search, night and day for aeons I have found spiritual gold hence my quest is over!, )) So now I try to find more people which have enough of the ups and downs in life, which want to refine their consciousness and character and which want to really do something different now! Consciousness affects everything and I mean everything!! We are all diamonds with different facetts o...
Ich biete:
ENGLISH: My mission and puzzle peace here on earth is to help people in all areas of life, first of all I can train you that you can own and claim your personal power, selflove and self esteem, how to protect yourself against all negaticity from within and without, how to be the master of your consciousness, thoughts and feelings, forgiveness, compassion, humility, inner peace at all times in all ...
ENGLISH: I love to live, to climb, to boulder and to be outdoors in natur and there I love to run, do sports and sauna, massages, Meditations, help healing humans on all levels and to bring them back to harmony again! I love to study and to refine my consciousness and to get up the spiritual ladder so to speak!, ) I love all humankind and all sentient beings on our beloved Mother Earth! I AM ON FI...
Über mich:
My name is Ralf Fritzinger, and I was born on December 20th 1961 in the city of Kaiserslautern. I became a seeker early on in my life, but I was on the wrong track most of the time, as I started taking drugs when I was 14, and continued to do so for 16 years, 12 years of which I used IV drugs. It was a long ordeal; however it seems that I needed it so that I could learn. At any rate, I have realiz...


Ralf A. Fritzinger
Mannheim Area, Germany
Selbststndige Fachkraft im Bereich Psychologie & Psychotherapie