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Natalie Lotzmann

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Soziale Medien mit Natalie Lotzmann


Natalie Lotzmann
69190 Walldorf, Germany
Head of Health & Diversity
Member of the Board of Deutsches Demographie Netzwerk (ddn) Member of the Board of "Netzwerk Unternehmen für Gesundheit" (Network Enterprise for Health), Member of Advisory Board of European Council for Diversity in Business, Member of Jury "Media Award" of European Council for Diversity in Business, Member of Jury "Future Award" of Zukunftsinstitut Germany, Member of
 University of Heidelberg (Psychology, Medical School)
English (Fluent), German (First language), French (Good knowledge), Italian (Basic knowledge), Spanish (Basic knowledge)
  (Head of Health & Diversity)
Ich suche:
Change Agents, Visionäre, Querdenker, Mutige, Kreative, Pioniere, Innovatoren, Think Tank, im Bereich Gesellschaft, Globalisierung, Diversity, Gesundheit, Frauen, Führung, -----------, change agents, visionary, courageous, creative, pioneers, innovators, think tank, in the fields of, society, globalization, diversity, health, women, leadership
Ich biete:
Kreativität, Offenheit, Querdenken, Neugier, Mut, Vision, Pionier, Führung, Erfahrung, Frauen, Diversity, Gesundheit, Work-life-Balance, Burn-out, Prävention, Beratung, Trainings, Seminare, Workshops, Vorträge, -------creativity, open-minded thinking, unconventional, passionate, change agent, courage, pioneer, professional experience, leadership, gender competence, gender awareness, diversity, exp...
Philosophie, Psychologie, Moderne Kunst, World Music, Literatur, Theater, Oper, Bergwandern, Skifahren, Segeln, Reiten, Golf, Reisen, Kochen----------, philosophy, psychology, modern art, world-music, literature, theater, opera, hiking, skiing, sailing, horse-riding, golf, travelling, cooking
Über mich:
I am a psychologist and medical doctor specialized on occupational and environmental health. Based at headquarters of the market leader in business software in Walldorf Germany, I am directing Health Management Services at SAP AG since 1997. My main focus is on prevention of information-technology -work-related illness in the age of globalization, coping with stress, disbalance and mental bur...


Natalie Lotzmann
Mannheim Area, Germany
VP, Head of Health & Diversity at SAP AG
SAP AG (Public Company; Information Technology and Services industry): VP, Head of Health & Diversity,  (-)