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Nadia Krauss

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Soziale Medien mit Nadia Krauss


Nadia Shana Krauss
Buxtehude, Germany
Wellness & Lifestyle Coach
English, German
  (Wellness & Lifestyle Coach)
Ich suche:
Working as a Personal Trainer and Wellness Lifestyle Coach at Fitness First Kaiserslautern, I specialise in Training with women for a new shape and weight loss while learning to relax and balancing Life & Body. I am always interested in working with clients 1:1 teaching them the fundamentals of being fit Body, Mind & Spirit
Ich biete:
My business in Partnership with Sabine Rauber - Thielen - UtopiaMensch - creates, designs and brings forth Workshops, DVD's, CD's and Books concerning Wellness, Health & Lifestyle of people today.
A true dancer at heart....I love to dance, to celebrate Life in Dance! I am very interested in Life itself. Loving what my life has taught me and is still teaching me. And I sure love communicating it!
Über mich:
'Die Symphonie des Lebens erfüllt mich mit Leichtigkeit und Glück.' The Symphonie of life fills me with Lightness and Joy.
Nadia Shana Krauss
Buxtehude, Germany
Wellness & Lifestyle Coach
English, German
  (Wellness & Lifestyle Coach)
Ich suche:
Working as a Personal Trainer and Wellness Lifestyle Coach at Fitness First Kaiserslautern, I specialise in Training with women for a new shape and weight loss while learning to relax and balancing Life & Body. I am always interested in working with clients 1:1 teaching them the fundamentals of being fit Body, Mind & Spirit
Ich biete:
My business in Partnership with Sabine Rauber - Thielen - UtopiaMensch - creates, designs and brings forth Workshops, DVD's, CD's and Books concerning Wellness, Health & Lifestyle of people today.
A true dancer at heart....I love to dance, to celebrate Life in Dance! I am very interested in Life itself. Loving what my life has taught me and is still teaching me. And I sure love communicating it!
Über mich:
'Die Symphonie des Lebens erfüllt mich mit Leichtigkeit und Glück.' The Symphonie of life fills me with Lightness and Joy.