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Meifang Liau

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Soziale Medien mit Meifang Liau


MeiFang Liau
Berlin, Germany
 RWTH Aachen (Media Informatics, M.Sc)
Recent graduate/Student
English (Fluent), German (Good knowledge), Chinese (First language), French (Basic knowledge)
 Wunschdenken,  (Freelance application developer), Interactive Scape,  (Application Developer), OvalDNA (Product concept design and software development), ARC,  (Software Developer), Fraunhofer Gesellschaft IAIS,  (Software Developer), E-learning System,  (Software Developer), KMM (Web and Database Developer), Math computat...
Ich suche:
Software Development, Interaction Design, Innovation, Audio Programming, iPhone, Multi-touch, Computer Vision, Usability, Music Software, C++, C, Objective-C, Cocoa, Core Audio, Audio Unit, Multimedia
Ich biete:
Human Computer Interaction, Usability, Software Engineering, Audio Programming, Music Software Development, Objective C, Cocoa, Core Audio, Core MIDI, Audio Unit, Open Sound Control, C++, MAX/MSP, Requirement Analysis, Creative Workflow, Mobile Computing, Java, J2SE, J2ME, Computer Networks, Project Management, computer vision, multi-touch, software developer, PHP, MySQL, XML, UML, Mac OSX, Window...
travel, swimming, computer music, playing guitar