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Martin Mendieta

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Soziale Medien mit Martin Mendieta


Martin Pinto-Bazurco Mendieta
64295 Darmstadt, Germany
 University of Technology Darmstadt (Computer Science, Bachelor of Science), University of Technology Darmstadt (Computer Science, Dipl.-Inform), University of Technology Sofia (Computer Systems and Technologies, Bachelor of Science)
Recent graduate/Student
English (Fluent), German (Fluent), Spanish (First language), Portuguese (Good knowledge), Italian (Basic knowledge), fluent Bulgarian
 University of Technology Darmstadt,  (Studentische Aushilfskraft), Verimatic GmbH,  (Junior Software Architect), Fraport AG,  (Studentische Aushilfskraft)
Ich suche:
Software Engineering, System Architectures, Project Management, Media Design, Team Work, Challenges
Ich biete:
Soft Skills, Rhetoric Skills, Software Engineering Skills, Software Design Skills, Design Patterns, Experience designing System Architectures, Programming Skills, Java Standard Edition, Java Enterprise Edition, J2EE, Web Services, Web Applications, Python, PHP, C Programming Language, Scheme, Lisp, JBoss Application Server, Richfaces, Seam, IBM Ilog, MySQL, Tomcat, Spring Application Framework, St...
Travel, Books, Music