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Lorenz Poggendorf

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Soziale Medien mit Lorenz Poggendorf


Lorenz Poggendorf
25373 near Hamburg, Germany
 The University of Tokyo (Landscape planning, Doctoral degree (Dr. / Ph.D.)), Technical University Berlin (Landscape planning, Dipl.-Ing. (graduate engineer))
Recent graduate/Student
English (Fluent), German (First language), Japanese (Good knowledge), French (Basic knowledge)
 Chamber of agriculture Schleswig-Holstein (Coordinator), Association for International and Visual Education (Kokusai-Kyoiku) (Assistant lecturer), Goethe-Institut Tokyo (Lecturer), Institute of Ecology, Berlin University of Technology (Research associate), Institute of Ecology, Berlin University of Technology (Student assistant), Isterling &a...
Ich suche:
Japan- and Asia-related business, environmental issues & education in the business world, exchange about the quality of our living spaces (e.g. how do you regard nature as part of your daily life or business environment?)
Ich biete:
Experience in presenting & teaching, intercultural experience, nature as a tool for stress relaxation and self-healing, Ph.D. and Dipl.-ing- in landscape planning, nature preservation, garden design, German apprenticeship as a professional gardener.
Landscape, nature, quality of life, organic food, natural medicine, art