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Insa Niemeyer

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Insa Niemeyer
14469 Potsdam, Germany
PhD Researcher
 Universidad del Azuay, Ecuador (Business Economics), Universität Hamburg (Business Economics, Master in Business Economics), Leibniz Universität Hannover (Economics)
Seeking employment
German, English, Spanish, French
  (PhD Researcher), Mabanaft Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG,  (Petroleum and Bio Fuel Trader), DZ BANK AG,  (Student trainee), DZ BANK Hamburg (Corporate Clients Department), DG BANK Hamburg (Vocational Training to a bank business assistent)
Ich suche:
contacts within the field of development economics, climate change issues, water management, resource economics, agricultural economics
Ich biete:
degree in business economics with major in development economics, interest in academic research career in the field of development economics, development studies, climate change issues, work experience in the finance sector, commodity trading, international experience in Latin America, Africa, Asia and USA.
developing countries, development economics, climate change issues, water management, traveling, football, skiing/snowboard, to get to know many different people, the world itself