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Ina Glaser

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Soziale Medien mit Ina Glaser


Ina Gläßer
27321 Thedinghausen, Germany
General Manager
FN German Equestrian Federation
 Universität Leipzig (), Hamburger Akademie für Fernstudien ()
German, English, Russian
  (General Manager), comtainment gmbh,  (Press), EnGarde Marketing GmbH,  (Press), Viebrockhaus AG,  (Marketing), viebrockreithallen GmbH,  (Marketing)
Ich suche:
horse sport events, horse / equnie industry, international equine and equestrian fairs, sport horses, equestrian sport, horse owners, horse breeders, wholesaler and trader of horse sport equipment worldwide, contacts in this line of business
Ich biete:
communicating, networking, horse industry, equitation industry, establish contacts with international horse-business partners, German horse industry, GHI, sport horses, equestrian sport, equestrian products, horse feed and supplements, stables, walkers, horse trasportation, horse trailers, equpiment for horse and rider, horse breeders, blacksmith requirements, equestrian surfaces, architecture and...
Über mich:
The German Horse Industry is a non-profit association, founded by professionals from the industry. Success through quality is the motto of all the companies that are united under the roof of the German Horse Industry. Tradition and a spirit of innovation are the power behind continuously improving products in all fields of equestrianism. Companies that equip and attend Olympic, World and World Cup...