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Guy Benson

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Soziale Medien mit Guy Benson


Guy Benson
80798 Munich, Germany
IT Consultant
 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Aerospace Engineering, Master of Science), Rutgers University (Mechanical Engineering (with Aerospace Option), Bachelor of Science)
English (First language), German (Good knowledge)
  (IT Consultant), Orga Systems,  (Senior Systems Engineer), Comverse,  (Migration Team Leader), O2 Germany (Telefonica),  (Analyst, Developer and Consultant), Cesky Mobil,  (Analyst, Developer and Architect), Kenan Systems Corporation (Tester, Support Engineer, Team Leader)
Ich suche:
contacts, information technology, engineering, computer modeling, music, challenges, intellectual stimulation, aerospace
Ich biete:
bachelor of science, master of science, mechanical engineering, aerospace engineering, telecommunications, mobile telephony, cable, billing systems, physics, chemistry, mathematics, numerical methods, numerical modeling, leadership, personable, team player, knowledgable, information technology, development experience, testing experience, analysis experience, english, german, creative, proactive
reading, music, drumming, science, mathematics, computer modeling, do-it-yourself, mountain biking, snowboarding
Über mich:
I grew up just outside the state capitol of Trenton, NJ, the older of two children. I graduated from Steinert High School in 1986, and soon thereafter I attended the College of Engineering at Rutgers University, where I received my BS in 1990. Not able to get a job as an engineer and tired of being a short order cook pushed me out of New Jersey and into graduate school at MIT, where I graduated wi...