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Gregory Landgraf

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Soziale Medien mit Gregory Landgraf


Gregory Landgraf
80538 München, Germany
Manager, Dispute Analysis & Forensic
American Bar Association, Allegheny County Bar Association, American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Pennsylvania Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Association of Certified Fraud Examiners
 Duquesne University (Law, Juris Doctor), Slippery Rock University (Accounting, Master of Science), Slippery Rock University (Accounting, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration)
English (First language), German (Fluent), French (Basic knowledge)
  (Manager, Dispute Analysis & Forensic),  (), PricewaterhouseCoopers (Manager, Forensic Services), Gleason & Associates, P.C.,  (Manager), Katz Ferraro McMurtry Ruzomberka,  (Staff associate)
Ich suche:
Professional contacts, primarily in areas of international law, corporate finance, consulting/business opportunities.
Ich biete:
10 years experience as a CPA, including 2 years in auditing and tax and 8 years as forensic accountant / litigation consultant. Currently a Manager Alvarez & Marsal Dispute Analysis & Forensics service line. Secialization includes litigation, arbitration and other alternative dispute resolution, either as arbitrator, for expert witness testimony or for other litigation support to the cour...
Law, forensic accounting, international business & finance, Investment analysis and portfolio management, Reading and writing, traveling, Baseball, ice hockey, American football, skiing, motorcycles, music
Über mich:
Currently a manager at Alvarez & Marsal's DA&F practice in Munich, Germany. Specialization includes litigation, arbitration and other alternative dispute resolution, either as arbitrator, for expert witness testimony or for other litigation support to the court or parties in areas of international and German - American business or corporate law, and issues of financial and economic damages...