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Fabio Giuntoli

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Soziale Medien mit Fabio Giuntoli


Fabio Giuntoli
40213 Dusseldorf, Germany
Responsible for jdp platform / tester
 Università di Pisa (Ingegneria informatica, Laurea specialistica in ingegneria informatica)
Italian (First language), English (Fluent)
 Univesrità di Pisa,  (Responsible e-learning)
Ich suche:
I want to grow in work and to improve my career. My favorite job is software development (above all in the web field) but I can act also a system administrator. I’m always ready to learn something new. I have no problem in moving everywhere.
Ich biete:
I’m able to create web layout using languages like XHTML and CSS (CSS1 – CSS2) and software like DREAMWEAVER and FLASH. I develop dynamic web site using the most famous databases like MySQL, MS ACCESS and ORACLE DB and languages like php, flash and asp. I have a deep knowledge on the main e-learning Content Management System I developed using C, C++ and java. I created a java platform to create a...
Software develoment, web, internet, software analisys and software architect.