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Dirk Kook

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Soziale Medien mit Dirk Kook


Dirk Kook
51368 Leverkusen, Germany
Head Sales EMEA/LATAM Functional Films
 Universität St Gallen Hochschule für Wirtschafts- Rechts-und Sozialwissenschaft (Strategic Marketing), INSEAD Singapore (Supply Chain Management Program), INSEAD Singapore (Strategic Issues in M&A), INSEAD Singapore (General Management)
German, English, French, Korean
  (Head Sales EMEA/LATAM Functional Films), BayerMaterialScience AG (Head Marketing & Sales Multi Functional Composites), Lyttron Technology GmbH,  (Head of Marketing & Sales), Bayermaterialscience AG Leverkusen,  (Organization, Processes&Regions), BayerMaterialScience (Marketing Functional Films/ Industrial Solutions)
Ich suche:
New business ideas in Polymers, Future trends, Leadership development+Change Management, Business Trends+Polymers Industry India, Supply Chain Management, Smart Films, Networking APAC, Contacts and opportunities in Asia, Future Management experts, People who see a chance in a crisis, professional development, Contacts to training and coaching industry.
Ich biete:
My Motto " Be the change you want to see in the world" --- 11 years of experience in leadership positions in Asia Pacific. Focus on business design and change management in complex and multicultural environments. Fluent in English and German, basic knowledge of Korean. Build excellent organisations and teams with focus on customer...
Future trends, Books, Limbic programming, Sports, Arts, Music, family&Friends, Asian subcontinent, automotive interior design
Über mich:
" Be the change you want to see in the world" Head of Marketing & Sales of a start up company in the field of of electrical,/electronic devices and components. 11 years of experience in leadership positions in Asia Pacific. Focus on business design and change management in complex and multicultural environments. Fluent in English and German , basic knowledge of Korean. Buil...


Dirk Kook
Head of Sales Functional Films EMEA/LATAM at Bayer MaterialScience
Bayer MaterialScience (Aktiengesellschaft; BAY; Branche: Chemie): Head of Sales Functional Films EMEA/LATAM,  (Januar 2010-Heute) 
Bayer MaterialScience (Aktiengesellschaft; BAY; Branche: Chemie): Head Marketing & Sales MFC,  (April 2009-Januar 2010) ...