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Corinne Wilhelm

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Soziale Medien mit Corinne Wilhelm


Corinne Wilhelm
83435 Bad Reichenhall, Germany
Executive Club Member & European Team Leader
International Society for Performance Improvement, Wirtschaft Junioren
 University of Humberside (since renamed) (BA(Hons) Business Studies, BA(Hons) Business Studies 2:1)
German, English
  (Executive Club Member & European Team Leader), clever2gether,  (CEO), Arthur Andersen,  (EMEIA Marketing Manager), PriceWaterhouseCoopers,  (UK Marketing Manager Financial Services), Reuters,  (Marketing Executive - Reuters Insurance Briefing), SOKOS, Malli Mari, KOP now Nordea in FINLAND (Placement Student (ERASMUS Programme))
Ich suche:
1. clever2gether >>>> PROFESSIONAL trainers, (English and German speaking), trainer for stress management, trainer for time management, trainer for people management, nutrition trainers, familiar with or interested in online learning technologies. You are organised, approachable, flexible and fun to learn with but knowledgeable and committed. ***2***. Usborne Books at Home >>>...
Ich biete:
Native speaker of English, Confident speaker of German, Give good speeches, Implementation advice for elearning, language training experience, writing experience, business English ebooks, authentic children's books from England, Usborne Books at Home, Usborne Books at School, Bilingual family, Berlin, coaching, language energy (ask me), nordic walking, elearning, distance learning, skype coaching,...
MTB, Nordic Walking, skiing
Über mich:
Hi,  I am half Brit, half German, I grew up in Devon in the UK and have been living in Germany since 1999.  Having little German when I arrived, I decided to roll my sleeves up and temp, for my language development and contacts. The entrepreneurial niggle became a self employment urge that became a reality in 2000 when I had enough language training contracts to go it alone. Almost immediately I b...


Corinne Wilhelm
Bayern, Deutschland
To get clever2gether about corporate learning add flexibility, interactivity & authenticity
clever2gether (Branche: Weiterfhrende Ausbildung): Owner,  (-) 
clever2gether (Branche: Weiterfhrende Ausbildung): CEO/Freelancer,  (August 2000-Heute) Clever2gether is about giving your personnel, the most valuable commodity you have the right informatio...