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Clyde Moss

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Soziale Medien mit Clyde Moss


Clyde Moss
85221 Dachau, Germany
Executive / Business Coach
International Coach Federation Munich Chapter, ASTD, key4you-Netzwerk, Golf Club Eschenried
 San Francisco State University ()
German, English (First language)
  (Executive / Business Coach)
Ich suche:
Clients who want to maximize their potential (careers, leadership skills, work-life balance) through coaching. Non-profit organizations where coaching will help them reach their ambitious goals. Students who would like a mentor to choose the right professional field or help in the transition into a job. (Führungskräfte, Studenten, Personalleiter, für Karrierefindung, Selbst und Zeitmanagement, Per...
Ich biete:
Coaching and Consulting! Newly appointed managers, team or project leaders who want to start right. Experienced managers who seek an external coach for reflection and support in reaching new goals. Individuals who are considering a change in their career. Human Resource professionals wanting to become more strategic. Team building and development. (Karrierefindung, Selbst und Zeitmanagement, Per...
Golf, green fashion, social enterprises, people
Über mich:
After a 30 year career at National Semiconductor, Clyde Moss established himself as an independent Coach and Consultant in January 2007. His area of focus is management coaching, consultancy for Human Resource Managers and career coaching. Clyde’s background at National Semiconductor included sales and sales management roles, training and development and for the last eight years European Director ...


Clyde Moss
Mnchen und Umgebung, Deutschland