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Claudio D'anzeo

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Claudio D'Anzeo
40213 Duesseldorf (DE), Germany
Solution Architect
Linkedin, Xing, Viadeo, Jobster, Namyz
 CEFRIEL - Politecnico di Milano (Master ICT post-lauream) (Information and Communication Technology, Master ICT post-lauream; Final Mark: 95/100), Universita' di Milano (Computer Science, Algorithms, Maths, Statistics, MSc, Computer Science - Laurea; Final Mark: 109/100), Liceo Scientifico Leonardo da Vinci (Science, Diploma; Final Mark: 60/60)
German (Basic knowledge), English (Fluent), French (Good knowledge), Italian (First language), Latin
  (Solution Architect), Vodafone Italy,  (Business Analyst), Infostrada-Wind,  (Network Services Planning), IBM Italy,  (E-Business analyst)
Ich suche:
Socialise with interesting and valuable people from all over the world. I have no interest in borders, just cultures, fearless innovation and creative excellence where ever it is sourced. Evaluate more career and business opportunities.
Ich biete:
- International work experience and intercultural expertise, - Experience managing large Vendors in both a product development and deployment capacity, - Experience working in a geographically dispersed, multi-cultural environment, - Deep knowledge of development process and methodologies (planning, tracking, contingency management), - Ability to manage resources and trade-off between efficiency, ...
Swimming, Running, Dancing, Salsa and Samba and Merengue, Phylosophy, Watching Movies, Computers, Technology, Classical Music, New Languages, Traveling
Über mich:
An innovator and strategist with an in-depth knowledge and experience of software technology standards, commercial products, design methodology and software development processes, together with a profound sense of business drivers. - PERSONAL SKILLS: • Good Communication skills, with the ability to report clearly and relevantly • Analytical Thinker • Self Starter, able to learn...


Dr. Claudio D'Anzeo
Cologne Area, Germany
Solution Architect at Vodafone Global - VIS
Vodafone Group Services (Public Company; VOD; Telecommunications industry): Solution Architect,  (November 2007-Present) Solution Architect of "B2B Enablers","360", "Mondrian", "KIN" Global Programs. The aim is to make VF the easiest operator to deal with for 3rd Parties, deployi...