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Claudia Balsmeier

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Claudia Balsmeier
Bielefeld and Münster, Germany
PhD Student / Teacher for English and Mathematics
Student Association of English and American Studies (Fachschaft Anglistik) at the University of Bielefeld, International Students Cultural Organization at Troy University, Federation of German and American Clubs (Alumna)
 University of Bielefeld (American Studies / Cultural Studies / Media Studies, working on a PhD), University of Bielefeld (Literature, Mathematics, Teaching, 1. StEx für LA an Gym/Ges (E u. M), MEd (Engl and Math), BA (Engl. Ped. Soc. Sc)), Troy Universitiy (English and Social Sciences)
English, German, Spanish, Latin
  (PhD Student / Teacher for English and Mathematics), Universtiy of Bielefeld (Research Assistant), University of Bielefeld (Student and Research Assistant), Parents who wanted their children to improve at school (Private Tutor), University of Bielefeld (Teaching Assistant (Tutor)), Universitiy of Bielefeld (Research Assistant), EF ...
Ich suche:
contacts all over the world, contacts with people who are involved with educational systems, internships/jobs in the field of administration of educational systems (both in Germany and abroad), jobs as a teacher for English and mathematics (secondary schools for mathematics, secondary schools and above for English)
Ich biete:
specialization on teaching and didactics (general and especially for English and mathematics), experience in commitee work and admistration of different (student-run) organizations, experience in different forms of evaluation procedures, experience as editor and writer for an online creative writing project, a specialization on Media, Literature and Cultural Studies and education during my BA stud...
structures and developments/changes of and within school systems and higher education (esp. in Germany and the US), didactics (esp. for higher education) literature (esp. English and American), film, sports (esp. going to the gym, swimming, inline skating)