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Chao-Ling Weissenbach

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Soziale Medien mit Chao-Ling Weissenbach


Chao-Ling Weissenbach
81241 Munich, Germany
Translator/Chinese, English, German
Great China Forum Global Business Women Vegetarian
 Sprachen & Dolmetscher Institut Muenchen (Uebersetzer Chinesisch/Deutsch), University of Ulster (Communication, PR and Advertising, Master of Science(MSc)), Fu-Jen Catholic University, Taipei, Taiwan輔仁大學 (Library and Information Science圖書資訊學系, BA)
German (Fluent), English (Fluent), Chinese (First language), Japanese (Basic knowledge), Taiwanese first language
 Gainward GmbH,  (Office assistant/assistant to managing director), Neodis GmbH (After Sales Services Specialist), Harte-Hanks CRM Services,  (International Customer Care Agent), Avnet Electronic Marketing GmbH,  (Pricing Specialist)
Ich suche:
translation projects:English/German->Chinese, proofreading projects, contacts of the people working at the same area, Uebersetzungsangebote, Firmenkontakte, Unternehmen die Chinesische Uebersetzer suchen, People want to learn Chinese or are interested in people, culture and the language.
Ich biete:
International/intercultural experience, communication skills, customer service experience, translation from German/English into Chinese or the other way, Certificate from Taiwan: Teaching foreigner Chinese, Nachhilfe: Chinese/English
hiking, swimming, bedminton, table-tennis, reading, cinema, jazz/classic music, Bio Food & Health issues, Taijiquan, travel around the world
Über mich:
Since 2005 I've started working as a freelance translator. However, my experience with translation and interpreting began much earlier. Starting from my working experience in Taiwan around 1996, working in Taipei for Blackwell's (U.K) and I had to translate many documents from English to Chinese or the other way round. Then got married and moved to Germany, had been working for few international c...