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Buenaventura Braunstein

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Soziale Medien mit Buenaventura Braunstein


Buenaventura Negron Rivera de Braunstein
München, Germany
Regisseurin & Multi-Arts-Artist
GEMA, GVL, American Equity, Juilliard Alumni
 Juilliard School of Muisc, Dance and Drama N.Y. (The ARTS)
German (Fluent), English (Fluent), Spanish (Good knowledge), French (Basic knowledge), Italian (Basic knowledge)
  (Regisseurin & Multi-Arts-Artist)
Ich suche:
Salve Friends! My newest production titled: "WOMEN WERE ALSO KNIGHTS" The Tales of the Tarshari Knights is now online (phase1) and may be viewed under For this grand project, I am interested in finding sponsers/sponserships for the CD (which is in process) to the Tales of the Tarshari Knights and "The Tales of the Tarshari Knights", A Book in...
Ich biete:
WWAK is proud to announce the start to the work in progress of: "The Tales of the Tarshari Knights" A Book in Concert planned for 2011 This will entail excerpts from "The Tales of the Tarshari Knights" presented by my international ensemble of Artist who are from theatre, television and film. We will be performing this unusual, unique and sophisticated work through drama, si...
World Music (meaning several different forms of music combinations), Travel, Languages, Writing, investigating the world! Creating new directions and ideas!! Being successful, focused and determined!!! Developing to the next challenge!!!!! Looking to create new and unknown paths! In other words, "getting the best out of what life has there waiting in abundance for me!"