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Boris Lauser

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Soziale Medien mit Boris Lauser


Boris Lauser
10179 Berlin, Germany
Raw Culinary Artist, Raw Food Chef and Instructor, Massage Therapist
 Tree of Life (Raw Food Nutrition, Spiritual Life Food Instructor), University of Massachussetts, Dartmouth (Computer Science, Master of Computer Science), University of Karlsruhe (Wirtschaftsingenieur, Diplom Wirtschaftsingenieur)
English (Fluent), German (First language), Italian (Fluent), French (Good knowledge), Spanish (Basic knowledge)
  (Raw Culinary Artist, Raw Food Chef and Instructor, Massage Therapist), Radiantly Alive,  (Raw Food Chef and Instructor)
Ich biete:
food, nutrition, wellness, health, gourmet, catering, vegan, raw food, Rohkost, vegetarian, massage, yoga, kochkurs, cooking class, web sites, information management
nutrition, health, food, yoga, massage, internet, social networks, web 2.0, raw food, vegan, vegetatian, gourmet dining, alternative medicine
Über mich:
I grew up in Southern Germany in the sleepy, scenic, medieval hilltop town Bad Wimpfen. That's were I spent the first 20 years of my life, with loving parents who introduced me to great family values. Even though, my Mum was never really too passionate about food or experimenting with new things but what she knew, she knew well and made from scratch whenever time and health permitted. And we kids ...