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Andreas Werntze

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Soziale Medien mit Andreas Werntze


Andreas Werntze
04318 Leipzig, Germany
Research Associate | Forest-Timber Chain
Deutscher Forstverein e.V. (DFV) | Bund Deutscher Forstleute (BDF) | Deutscher Alpenverein (DAV) | Global Association of Online Foresters (GAOF) | Facebook
 School of Forestry, University of Canterbury, New Zealand (Harvesting scenario modelling, MSc thesis), Albert-Ludwigs-University, Freiburg i. Br. (MSc. 'Sustainable Forestry and Land Use Management', Master of Science), University of Applied Sciences, Goettingen (Forestry and Environmental Management, Dipl.-Forsting. (BEng.))
German (First language), English (Fluent), Sächsisch Basic Knowledge
 Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research | Department of Landscape Ecology,  (Research Associate | Coordination and Communication), Golder Associates GmbH,  (Project Engineer | Environmental Consultant), Faculty of Forest and Environmental Sciences, Freiburg University,  (Employee with contract for services), New Zealand UC School of Forestry,  (Masters ...
Ich suche:
sustainable land management | ecosystem services | forest-timber chain | forest-based sector | communication | knowledge transfer | interface between forest science and forest-based industry | networking | public relations | research management | transdisciplinarity | knowledge integration | applied science incl. transfer to practitioners and policy consulting | forestry
Ich biete:
forestry background | broad range of networking activities (e.g. forest sector and land management) | skills in scientific coordination and moderation of research programmes in the areas of environmental sciences, forestry and land management incl. coordination and networking in transdisciplinary joint research projects, knowledge management, public relations, knowledge transfer and information ma...
family | friends | music (drumming) | hiking | rock climbing | culture | literature | ultimate frisbee | nature stuff | catching up with friends