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Alexander Wieding

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Soziale Medien mit Alexander Wieding


Alexander von Wieding
22455 Hamburg, Germany
Freelance Illustrator
IO - Illustratoren Organisation, VG Bildkunst, VG Wort
 Design Factory International (Kommunikations-Design)
German (First language), English (Fluent)
  (Freelance Illustrator), Small Stone Records,  (Freelancer, Album Artwork & Design), High Roller Records,  (Freelancer, Album Artwork & Design), Karma To Burn,  (Album Artist / Art Director), TAS Emotional Marketing GmbH,  (Freelancer, Layout-Illustration), Bull God Inc.,  (Freelancer, Album Design), Salt Berlin Filmprodukt...
Ich suche:
Freelance Illustrator Jobs aus den Bereichen Layout, Scribble, Storyboard, Shootingboard, Platten-Cover/Album Art/-Design
Ich biete:
Kreativität, Ideenreichtum, Stil-Vielfalt und individuelle, schnelle Visualisierung von Ideen in den Bereichen: Illustration, Platten-Cover/Album Art/-Design, Layout, Scribble, Storyboard, Shootingboard, Concept Art, Character-Design, Communication-Design, Art Direction, Creative Direction
Illustration, Painting, Comics, Hellboy, B.P.R.D., Heavy Metal, The Losers, Akira, Music, Karma To Burn, Year Long Disaster, Treasure Cat, Gozu, House Of Broken Promises, Clutch, Five Horse Johnson, Rollerball, Sons Of Alpha Centauri, Priestess, Earth, Wooden Shjips, Wolfmother (1st Line Up), Monster Magnet, The Ribeye Brothers, Sasquatch, Scissorfight, Morphine, Headstones, Anthrax, Fluke, Fu Man...
Über mich:
"(Alex) is a fan of our music and super talented at what he does. We are very fortunate to work with him.As with Scott (Reeder), Alex was on the same page as us from day one, he really understood what we were going for and it shows in his work. Not to mention, he is a blast to hang out with."(Rob Oswald, Karma To Burn) "His ideas are both great and right on point. (...) It is very refreshing to be...