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Thiago Guimaraes

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Soziale Medien mit Thiago Guimaraes


Thiago Guimarães
21073 Hamburg, Germany
Studentische Hilfskraft / Projektmitarbeit
Informationskreis für Raumplanung (, NGO Repórter Brasil (, Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung (
 HafenCity University Hamburg (Urban Planning and Development, Master), Freie Universität Berlin (Economics, exchange student), Universität Flensburg (International Management, exchange student), Universidade de São Paulo (Economics, Bachelor), Universidade de São Paulo (1997-2000) (Journalism, Bachelor)
German (Good knowledge), English (Good knowledge), Spanish (Good knowledge), Portuguese (First language), French (Basic knowledge)
 German Embassy, Brazil,  (Journalist Freelancer), Abril Verlag,  (Blogger "Pra lá e pra cá"), Cebrap - Centro Brasileiro de Análise e Planejamento,  (Media consultant), Cidade do Conhecimento,  (Development and coordination of "Free software and collaborative projects"), Inove! - Inovação Unicamp,  (Reporter), Prefeitura de São Paulo,  (...
Ich suche:
Professional contacts, jobs and projects related to urban transportation and sustainable urban policies in metropolitan regions
Ich biete:
social/human competence, analytical/innovative thinking, writing and communication skills, life and work experience in Europe and South America, technical skills (GIS, SPSS, InDesign, Illustrator, Visum)
urban and regional planning, urban transportation, urban economics, communication and planning
Über mich:
Brazilian journalist (B.Sc.) living in Germany that loves the issue "urban transportation" (writing weekly for the blog "Pra lá e pra cá" and eventually for other media). Bachelor in Economics (USP) and studying Urban Planning and Development (at Master level) in Hamburg supported by the Heinrich Böll Foundation. Experience in communitarian communication and policies against the digital divide in ...