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Roeland Schaart

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Soziale Medien mit Roeland Schaart


Roeland C. Schaart
27721 Ritterhude, Germany
Certified Business Coach
You want to change jobs or optimize work processes? You need support to manage your job? Is orientation needed to make the right decision? Welcome to Vitae-Coaching! As a certified coach with years of IT experience, I particularly support managers and executives in the IT sector- systematic and goal oriented. There is much more in you than you think ... Take advantage of it and bring yourself in...
 HBO Maritime Management (Dipl. Ing. / BSc.) (IT, Marketing, Transport & Logistics, Finance, Bachelor of Science)
German, English, Dutch
  (Certified Business Coach)
Ich suche:
Interesting contacts. People willing to change.
Ich biete:
International experience as an IT manager and senior manager (England, Germany, Greece, Netherlands) Through several years of work as a senior manager and executive of international companies in the IT field I am familiar with the IT world. Therefore, detailed explanations of technical terms and processes is not necessary - I speak "your language". The focus on the essentials of your topic can th...
motorbike, photography, indoor-rowing, fitness
Über mich:
I am a certified business Coach, born in Amsterdam 1967 and living near Bremen.