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Ralf Putter

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Soziale Medien mit Ralf Putter


Ralf Pütter
58540 Meinerzhagen, Germany
Technical Sales Manager & Processing Technology Cold Rolling Mills
English (Basic knowledge), German (First language)
  (Technical Sales Manager & Processing Technology Cold Rolling Mills), MK- Metallfolien GmbH,  (Divisional director cold rolling mill and strip processing lines), Friedrich Gustav Theis Kaltwalzwerke GmbH,  (First operator 20 high cold rolling reversing mill), Deutsche Nickel AG,  (First operator 20 high & 4 high cold rolling reversing mills)
Ich suche:
Facts about non-ferrous metallurgy and steel metallurgy, business contacts, facts about texture analysis (rolling and recasting processes) as well as forming processes about titanium and its alloys
Ich biete:
concepts and realization of cold rolling mills, proposal preparation, processing technology and optimization at cold rolling mills including commissioning (hot load tests, worldwide), after sales service, many years of experiences and practical know-how about non-ferrous and steel deformation with cold rolling mills, extensive project experiences about build up of manufacturing, knowledge about re...
soccer, formula 1, table tennis