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Mohammed Obidallah

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Soziale Medien mit Mohammed Obidallah


Mohammed Obidallah
50126 Bergheim, Germany
Young Professional Scientist
IWRM - Cologne University of Applied Science & Jordan University
 Cologne University of Applied Science / University of Jordan (Integrated Water Resources Management, Double Master of Sciences degree (M.Sc.)), University of Cologne (International Master of Environmenal Sciences, M. Sc.), Hebron University (Biology, Bachelor of Science in Biology)
Seeking employment
Arabic (First language), English (Fluent), German (Fluent), Hebrew (Basic knowledge)
  (Young Professional Scientist), International Palestinian Youth Leaque (IPYL),  (Volunteer), German Marshall Fund of the United States (Young Professional), Team (Developer), NETZWERK Sozaile Dienste und Ökologishe Bildungsarbeit e. V.,  (Group Leader), DWA (Young Scientist)
Ich suche:
Working on international cooperation in Water, Environment, youth projects
Ich biete:
Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM): Water Economics, Water Policy and Laws, Watershed Management, Public Health and Sanitation, Irrigation. Environmental Sciences: Environmental Law, Environment Management System, Working on international cooperation projects. International Network and Intercultural Activities: Water, Environment, Youth & Child, Peace
Über mich:
I was born on 11.03.1979 in Beit-Jalla, Palestine. In the year 2002, I obtained my in biology from the College of Science from the University of Hebron, andthen moved to live and reside in Germany. I attended a two-year internationalMaster's Degree in Environmental Sciences at the University of Cologne andsuccessfully obtained my degree in the year 2006. During my study at the graduate...