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Mark Tomlinson

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Soziale Medien mit Mark Tomlinson


Mark Tomlinson
10179 Berlin, Germany
What member of groups for which I pay the privilege to belong to, again no! I am a member of one crazy group we are called the human race and personally I think the Race part is taken to literally. Or perhaps, they mean personally, organized me no way I organize others, I am a a mess.
 Cardiff University (Computer Science, BSc. Hons)
English (First language), German (Fluent), Spanish (Good knowledge), Dutch (Basic knowledge), Italian (Basic knowledge)
  (CEO), Roquetas Info Pages,  (Publisher), NetDub GmbH (Princilple Java Developer), Itsuvo Ltd (Director)
Ich suche:
I have to write something here to avoid the painful default. What I want is not going to come from any web site, but from the people I meet through it. And to that end I want to meet as many people as is possible in the short time I have left.
Ich biete:
Years of experience and when I say years I mean decades. But that in itself is embarrassing. 140+ IQ does that help, I thought not.
Does anyone really care about this section unless they have some perverse Freudian misinterpretation of the Oedipus story, which actually I think not. But I do find life wonderful.
Über mich:
I really need to update my photo. Not that I am particularly vain, no more than any one else that is for sure. It is just that is is 5 years old and I need to get someone to capture the light reflected from my ageing countenance at a little more like real time than the current Hubble version.
Mark Tomlinson
Erlangen, Germany