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Mareike Dorrie

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Soziale Medien mit Mareike Dorrie


Mareike Dörrie
Burgwede, Germany
Seeking employment
German (First language), English (Fluent), French (Basic knowledge), Russian (Basic knowledge)
  (), Foto Kleinsorge,  (Praktikantin), Familienzentrum St. Martin Kindergarten Olsberg/Bigge,  (Praktikantin), Tv im Netz / Webstar,  (Praktikantin), Brakebusch GmbH,  (Praktikantin), VM CreatiV GmbH,  (Praktikantin), Dr. Harald Dankert (Praktikantin)
Ich suche:
Ftotografie, Marketing, Mediengestalterin / (in Bild und Ton), Grafikerin
Ich biete:
Photoshop CS, InDesign CS, Fotografie, Videoerstellung, Fotobücher, Kalender, Collagen, WebpageDummies, Flyer, Poster, Plakate, Einladungskarten, Apple PC, CD-Hülle
Design am PC, Fotografieren, Zeichnen, Malen, Musik, Theater, Videoerstellung, Tanzen
Über mich:
I am a person who is positive about every aspect of life. There are many things I like to do, to see, and to experience. I like to read, I like to write; I like to think, I like to dream; I like to talk, I like to listen. I like to see the sunrise in the morning, I like to see the moonlight at night; I like to feel the music flowing on my face, I like to smell the wind coming from the ocean. I lik...