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Larrie Rose

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Soziale Medien mit Larrie Rose


Larrie Rose
47877 Willich, Germany
President, Belden Europe
 Ball State University (Industrial Arts & Political Science, Bachelor of Science)
Seeking employment
English (First language), German (Good knowledge)
  (President, Belden Europe)
Ich suche:
I am searching for opportunities where I can leverage my international experience in P&L leadership, operations, marketing and channel management, providing support to international organizations involved in operational improvement strategies through organic growth or acquisitions, and conversely restructuring strategies that include sizing and potential divestures.
Ich biete:
Developed and implemented the Strategic Plan for the European region. Successfully integrated a merger of equals, reducing business units from 13 to 2 with six plants. Established a European Shared Service Center for Acct./Finance, IT, HR and Compliance. Divested business units with low probability to reach operational targets. Implemented Lean Enterprise and Product Portfolio ...