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Kjell Otto

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Soziale Medien mit Kjell Otto


Kjell Otto
22767 Hamburg, Germany
I`m a sympathizer of the pirates, a german political party.
 University of Applied Sciences Hamburg (Technical Informatics, Master), University of Applied Sciences Hamburg (Technical Informatics, Bachelor of Computer Science)
Recent graduate/Student
English (Fluent), German (First language)
 Uniteam Marine Shipping GmbH,  (Software Engineering Assistant), Plath GmbH,  (Bachelor of Science), Plath GmbH,  (Student), Plath GmbH,  (Student), eurodoc Sonovision-ITEP GmbH,  (Programmer)
Ich suche:
Good working climate, organized working structure and interesting work to do. Actually I´m very interested in Clojure. I would love to get a small job in Hamburg that leads me to better clojure code.
Ich biete:
I'm interested in new things. I'm a team person and wan't to work in a team. I'm working hard.
Programming, Concurrent Programming, Scaling Concurrency, Software Architecture, Climbing and Skating
Über mich:
I´m a student. And I want to stay in this lifestyle. Don´t get me wrong, I´m not the stereotype of student that comes and goes wherever and whenever he wants. I want to keep on learning new things and getting better in what I do. I like the field of study I´ve choosen and at the same time, none of my private friend is an "informatic guy".  This is how I see myself, but probably someone else should...


Kjell Otto
Hamburg Area, Germany
Student for IT Master
Plath GmbH (Privately Held; Telecommunications industry): Student,  (July 2008-Present) Currently Im working on my final exam, the Bachelor Thesis. Its about an hardware implementation of a software solved problem... and yes, I cant tell more. Sorry.
Eurodoc Systems (Pu...