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Karen Strugg

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Soziale Medien mit Karen Strugg


34454 Bad Arolsen, Germany
Advisor to the Director of the ITS - International Tracing Service Bad Arolsen
 Ruhr-Uni Bochum & Uppsala University (Humanitarian Assistance, Master), Hamburger Hochschule fuer Wirtschaft und Politik (International Business Administration, Master (MBA)), Sorbonne Paris-IV (Musicology, Maître ès lettres)
German (First language), English (Fluent), French (Fluent), Arabic
 IKRK - Internationales Kommittee vom Roten Kreuz,  (Head of Training Unit (Sudan)), IKRK - Internationales Kommittee vom Roten Kreuz (ICRC, CICR),  (Bueroleiterin Noerdliche Westbank (okkupierte Palaestinensische Gebiete)), IKRK - Internationales Kommittee vom Roten Kreuz (ICRC, CICR),  (Delegierte / Projektleiterin in Sudan und Liberia), Karsten Jahnke Konzert...
Ich suche:
After 7 years of event management in Europe and the USA, and 6 years in humanitarian emergency work in Africa and the Middle East with international teams, I want to transfer my proven competences in project management, communication and training to a private business operating in a multicultural environment, preferably located in Khartoum.
Ich biete:
I am analytical, disciplined, stress-resistant and can acquire and use new knowledge rapidly. This helped me provide quality solutions to complex challenges in various areas within scope, budget and tight schedules. My experience include intercultural management and project management with long-term residency in various developping countries, in particular in Sudan. I communicate in English, Frenc...
Interessante Menschen kennenlernen und als Freunde gewinnen, Reisen (am besten zu Freunden in aller Welt), Lesen (intelligentes, nicht-intelligentes, bildendes, oder einen echt packenden Roman), Joggen (zBsp Halb-Marathon am Toten Meer, Universitaetssportgruppe in Khartoum, oder um mein Heimatdort herum), und nette Dinner und Aperitifs.