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Kannan Thambiah

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Kannan Thambiah
25813 Husum, Germany
Student Apprentice
Nordakademiker e.V., Mottenlinux, HHLUG e.V., ATV 1845 e.V., ETV e.V., HTB 1862 e.V., SG Hamburg West
 FH Nordakademie, private, state-recognised, university of applied sciences (Diplom Wirtschaftsinformatik (FH) [Cmputer Science and Business Administration]), ULPGC, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Ingeniero en Informática, SOCRATES/ERASMUS - Auslandssemester [Semester abroad]), FH Nordakademie, private, state-recognised, university of applied sciences (Dip...
German (First language), English (Fluent), French (Basic knowledge), Spanish (Basic knowledge), Tamil Minimalkenntnisse
  (Student Apprentice), Altonaer Turnverband von 1845 e.V.,  (C-Trainer Erwachsenensport, Breitensport, -, Adult Sports Coach, Popular sports), Altonaer Turnverband von 1845 e.V.,  (Zivildienstleistender, Community Service (instead of military service)), SG Hamburg West (zusammenschluss mehrerer Schwimmvereine in Hamburg),  (Kinderschwimm-Trainer, Coach for ...
Ich suche:
People with, similar interests, but, different views, to discuss with, -, interesting free, open source projects, -, interesting, challenges, of any kind, -, people who talk, English, French, or, Spanish, fluently and are interested to do, tandem, with a native German, -, intresting political projects, -, intresting voluntary social projects.
Ich biete:
Social skills: Great interesst in new exiting and challenging subjects, the ability to think myself into problems and situations, teamwork, the ability, to learn, fast - especialy concerning frameworks and programming languages, -, Technical skills:, Debian, Gentoo, and Grml, Linux distributions, network administration, server administration, Apache, MySQL, Windows XP, Windows Vista, programming, ...
Linux, Open Source, IT-Security, IT-Management, ERP-Systems, programming, (especially, object oriented programming, OOP, and, functional programming), Artificial Intelligence, Neural Networks, Neural Computing, science, (especially, biology, chemistry, ), politics, (national and international), society, (especially problems in society - how they develop, and how to solve them), (German) literature...