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Julia Schönhärl

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Soziale Medien mit Julia Schönhärl


Julia Schönhärl
Regensburg, Germany
ECOT, Greenpeace, EED, DED, Municipalidad de Municipios Garifunas de Honduras, CODEF, amnesty international, BI Asyl
 University of Bournemouth (European Tourism Management, Master of European Tourism Management), Fachhochschule München ()
German, English, Spanish
 ECOT Ecumenical Coalition on Tourism,  (Program Coordinator), HELP eV,  (Project oordinator Livelihood), DED Honduras,  (Entwicklungshilfe (technisch, finanziell)), Respect - Institut,  (Forschung integrativer Tourismus), SportBusiness Ltd.,  (Marketing Managerin), Jupiter Media Metrix Ltd.,  (Marketing Managerin)
Ich suche:
a new job and challenge overseas or in Europe where my unique skills are required to support projects with a ecologically fair background, human justice, sustainability. With my long-term experience in development aid work, and business admin at the same time, I would like to combine this mosaic of skills... And contact to healing practitioners/psychologists/therapists who understand the relaxati...
Ich biete:
Understanding and work experience in human rights, environmental protection, climate change, tourism planning, change management, project management, fair trade, intercultural communication skills, responsibility, enthusiasm, very good writing and research skills. Yoga teaching skills and Thai Massage skills as well as cranio-sacral therapy skills!
Sociology, human rights, campaigning, environment, nature, biking, music, gardening, yoga, thai massage
Über mich:
Currently, I am looking for a job in Germany/Europe or somewhere else; with my Spanish, Germany and English language skills most of the world is accessible for me. I can offer many years of experience in development /humanitarian work, business admin, marketing, publications, PR, event management and more ... Preferably, I would like to work in the social sector / third sector, that is in foundati...