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Hendrik Greilich

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Soziale Medien mit Hendrik Greilich


Hendrik Greilich
63456 Hanau, Germany
Export Manager
Amnesty International, Rotes Kreuz, Arbeiter Samariter Bund, B.U.N.D.
 University of Applied Sciences Nordhessen (Economic Law), Akademie für Welthandel (Außenhandel)
German (First language), English (Fluent)
  (Export Manager), MEC German Holding GmbH (Manager Business Development)
Ich suche:
Upcoming years I do not seach for another job, so I it is not necessary to offer them. Thank you for your understanding! But I am searching in Europe, Africa, Asia and the Far and Middle East for distributors and wholesalers in the field of safe document and file storing (NT FIRE 017P and EN15659), operation equipment and solutions for production plants (safety cabinets and storages ac...
Ich biete:
Priorit offers you a wide range of products in the field of fire protection and a lot more than fireprotection! For exampe, we can offer our customers: fire resistant or fire retardant partitions with optimum access by means of partition wall systems for installations or storing of hazardous materials, maintenance of conduit systems and switch gears for safety devices by usin...