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Daniel Pisano

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Soziale Medien mit Daniel Pisano


Daniel Pisano
64289 Darmstadt, Germany
One Hand Clapper
Mensa in Deutschland e.V. (MinD), MinD-Hochschul-Netzwerk (MHN), GUADEC, LinkedIn, flickr, The Cerebrals Society, Intertel, TOPS - Top One Percent Society
 Technische Universität Darmstadt (TUD), TU-Darmstadt, TH-Darmstadt, THD (Physics, BSc in Physics (major) and Physical Chemistry (minor))
German (First language), English (First language), Spanish (Good knowledge), French (Good knowledge), Italian (First language), Japanese (Basic knowledge), Russian (Basic knowledge)
  (One Hand Clapper), Pisano IT Services (formerly DanCom) (Tenacious Problem Solver), Gemeinschaftspraxis Dres. Salup und Goerttler, Wiesbaden, Germany,  (System Administrator), SuSE Linux AG (now Novell, Inc.),  (Translator), HCV - Verband der niedergelassenen Chirurgen in Hessen e.V.,  (General Manager), IANUS Interdisziplinäre Arbeitsgrupp...
Ich suche:
assignments, Aufträge, incarichi, assignment, Auftrag, incarico, clarity, world peace
Ich biete:
translator, translating, translations, translation, Beglaubigung, beglaubigt, certification, certified, interpreter, interpreting, interpretation, IT services, PC-Hilfe, Übersetzer, Übersetzungen, Übersetzung, traduzioni, traduzione, interprete, Deutsch, German, tedesco, Englisch, English, inglese, Italienisch, Italian, italiano, liaison interpreting, business negotiation, business negotiations, V...
Science, Books, Art, Travel, Languages, Food, Open Source, Linux, Physics, Mathematics, Open Society, GUADEC, OOoCon, Wizards of OS, quizzes, puzzles, photography, films, movies, London, Japan, C64 vintage computer games, Telecommunication
Über mich:
Complex problem solving a specialty Should you be in need of a multiligual translator or interpreter for your business correspondence, publications or trips, I would be delighted to offer you my services as your personal swiss army tool* for business travelers.(* knives are not allowed on airplanes any more these days) L1 languages: German, English (state-certified and credentialed translator and ...


Daniel Pisano
Frankfurt am Main und Umgebung, Deutschland
Independent Translation and Localization Professional
Pisano Language Services (Selbstndig) (Selbststndig; Nur ich; Branche: bersetzung und Lokalisierung): One Hand Clapper,  (Februar 2000-Heute) Cosmopoitan and multilingual specialist for difficult and extraordinary cases.