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Christian Isekeit

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Christian Isekeit
50968 Köln/Cologne, Germany
Wirtschaftsjurist / Graduate in Business Law
Vereinigung für gewerblichen Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht e.V. (GRUR) - Association to protect, inter alia, copyright and trade marks, Mitglied der Bundesvereinigung der Sachbearbeiter in Insolvenzsachen e.V. (BS-Inso) - Member of the federal association of person dealing with insolvency, Mitglied der Sozialdemokratischen Partei Deutschlands
 RheinAhrCampus (MBA), FHTW Berlin, University of applied Siences (business law, Graduate in Business Law (Diploma Degree)), Specialized secondary school Magdeburg (Business related, university-entrance diploma)
English (Fluent), French (Basic knowledge), German (First language)
 Leonhardt Westhelle & Partner,  (Graduate in Business Law (Diploma Degree) / Diplom Wirtschaftsjurist (FH)), Hahn & Hahn Inc IT Practitioners,  (Intern), Shikpontele GmbH,  (Intern), Federal armed Forces (Obergefreiter), Christ GmbH (Douglas Holding),  (Salesman)
Ich suche:
Exchange of knowledge in the field of insolvency law (German, European as well as international) and restructuring of companies.
Ich biete:
Knowledge in the field of macro economics, micro economics, international trade laws or rather agreements, the German retail market as well as of German, European and international law of trade marks (etc.). Specializing in the field of corporate insolvency.
Accounting, company taxation, law of insolvency, restructuring of companies. Traveling countries for language and nature reasons as well as to get an inside view on political issues, politics, sports such as triathlon and football (soccer), literature